Chi Lab is interested in emergent phenomena in magnetic quantum materials and interfaces. We pursue (i) exchange proximitized topological interfaces for next-generation magnetic memory and logic devices with superior performance, as well as (ii) magnetic superconducting heterostructures for non-reciprocal quantum circuits towards practical quantum information processing and computing.
To address these challenging yet highly rewarding tasks pertaining to extraordinary surfaces and interfaces, Chi Lab synergistically combines ab initio simulation, crystal growth, thin film deposition, nano fabrication, magneto-thermo-electrical quantum transport, while collaborating with leading theoreticians and top experts in neutron, electron, muon, optical, scanning and tunneling techniques at major research institutions and user facilities.
Dr. Chi has contributed to 70+ invited chapter and peer-reviewed journal articles in Science, Adv. Mater., Nat. Commun., JACS, PRL etc. (8,500+ citations and h-index = 38, Google Scholar); served as a frequent referee for 40+ leading journals including Science, PRL, as well as an evaluator of grant proposals for the U.S. Army Research Office (ARO), French National Research Agency (ANR) and Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada.
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